Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade
Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade

The yearly calendar was a consequence of the rituals followed and marked by the Church. It structured the daily routine of the community surrounding an abbey or a chapel. The Church was a powerful force that influenced every aspect of people’s lives. With several business interests and deep involvement at every level of education, the Church played a significant role in the affairs of the medieval society. The Church was also the single largest owner of all properties. It was inconceivable for anyone from this period to accept the two as separate entities. The church was an important part of everyday life and it functioned as a governing body in the 14 th century. The Church was no different from the state in medieval Europe. Importance of the Church in the Medieval Society However, in order to understand Europe in the early 14th century, it is necessary to make some broad assumptions, such as the whole of Europe was Christian, agrarian, and feudal. It would be an oversimplification of facts to state that England, France, Italy, or Germany were similar during the medieval period. Etal Castle, a ruined medieval fortification in the village of Etal, England. Let’s try to delve into the basic aspects of the European medieval society. In addition, a feudal social hierarchy also existed in the communities. While the Church played a significant role in shaping the society, subsistence farming was a dominant way of life in the early 14 th century. By Dorsey Armstrong, Ph.D., Purdue University The medieval society was primarily Christian, agrarian, and feudal in nature.

Feudalism in the middle ages 6th grade